
As this year is still in its beginning phases, days slowly getting longer, inching closer to spring, I've been taking stock of my life over the last 12 months. One of the things I am most grateful for is you. It’s because of you that I get to do what I do. The main purpose of my life is to touch people ~ emotionally, physically, spiritually ~ so that the outcome increases the person’s ability to enjoy and engage in fully expressing who they are in their life, in the world. Your coming in for care, your support for what I do and offer, is a gift I experience all year round. I deeply thank you.

I hold that our health is one of our most important blessings. With it comes the ability to move our body, do the work we are meant to do, play in whatever form brings us joy, and hold our loved ones with passion and presence. I celebrate the human body and everything it is capable of doing, thinking, feeling and creating. Thank you for putting yourself on my table.

Out of my twelve years of practice, this year has been my most successful, also due to you. Many of my new patients are referred to me through you. I so appreciate your sharing with those you love about the results you experience and quality of care you receive. I know what I offer in the world of chiropractic is unique. I deeply thank you.

As the year is beginning, new goals are formed as resolutions ~ the act or process of resolving something or breaking it up into its constituent parts or elements. To achieve new goals, old habits need to change, and new one's put in their place. It’s difficult to change patterns on our own. When you come in for your beginning of the year sessions I will be checking in about your life and health visions for the coming year, and explore how our working together may support their fruition.

I know the power of a chiropractic adjustment. Said another way, I know the power that can be released once interference is removed. In 1998, I received a gentle chiropractic adjustment that removed my resistance, and I surrendered to the 15-plus year calling to become a chiropractor. My life has never been the same. I look forward to working with you in 2017, supporting you in your goals and dreams.